Things that you Bump in the Night

This is a list of equipment that I currently use or have used in the past. I'll try to keep it up to date. Some of these are reviews from when I first got the equipment and some are simply information about each piece. Let me know what you would do differently, what you would keep or sell, and if you want to trade some gear, feel free to reach out! If you want to know where I shop, it's primarily Astronomics, High Point Scientific, and of course, Amazon! More information is available at my support page.

A software driver that redirects a Windows virtual serial port via a TCP/IP network to another hardware interface specified by IP address.

Much faster than network, much easier than an SSD

Amazon Eero Mesh Wifi Router

Coming soon!

For when you absolutely, positively, have to be pointed in the right direction.

With up to three wired ports and an AC1200 dual-band wifi, this travel router is perfect for your AP rig!

Get a powered USB hub and eliminate USB power problems (and not enough ports)

Rather than using a separate guide scope, I steal a little light from my main scope through an OAG.

The best thing I ever purchased to help do more astrophotography!

A green laser pointer in the accessory shoe for the telescope makes a great visual aid!

If you want flat images, you need a focal reducer/field flattener.

SV503 102ED f/7 Refractor Telescope for visual and astrophotography - perfect for Time Travelling!

A multi-function equatorial tracking mount with built-in Wi-Fi control.