Current Equipment

This is a list of equipment that this Astropotamus currently uses. I’ll try to keep it up to date. Some of these posts are reviews from when I first got the equipment and some are simply information about each piece. Let me know what you would do differently, what you would keep or sell, and if you want to trade some gear, feel free to reach out! If you want to know where I shop, it’s primarily Astronomics, High Point Scientific, and of course, Amazon!

You can also look at my Equipment Reviews and learn how to become a Time Traveler yourself!

ZWO Seestar S50

Discover how the ZWO Seestar redefines amateur astronomy with its user-friendly setup, innovative features, and impressive imaging capabilities, making stargazing and astrophotography accessible to enthusiasts of all levels.

Celestron C8

The Celestron C8 Schmidt-Cassegrain is one of the longest running continuously produced telescopes in history. Find out why this Astropotamus has TWO of them!